- 在manifest.json中mp-weixin里面添加
"plugins": { "ocr-plugin": { "version": "3.1.2", "provider": "wx4418e3e031e551be" } }
- demo如下
<template> <view class="uni-container"> <uni-nav-bar :fixed="true" color="#ffffff" background-color="#04a0eb" :status-bar="true" title="OCR识别" /> <button class="button" @click="clickCertificate">扫描合格证</button> <view>扫描结果:{{certificate}}</view> <button class="button" @click="clickVin">扫描车辆</button> <view>扫描结果:{{vin}}</view> </view> </template> <script> export default { components: { }, data() { return { certificate: '', vin: '' } }, created() { }, //每次进页面都会执行的方法 onShow(){ //工作状态,运维人员才显示 }, methods: { clickCertificate() { let that = this // 选择图片 wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, success: async function(res) { try { let invokeRes = await wx.serviceMarket.invokeService({ service: 'wx79ac3de8be320b71', api: 'OcrAllInOne', data: { // 用 CDN 方法标记要上传并转换成 HTTP URL 的文件 img_url: new wx.serviceMarket.CDN({ type: 'filePath', filePath: res.tempFilePaths[0], }), data_type: 3, ocr_type: 8 }, }) console.log('invokeService success', invokeRes) let tmp = invokeRes.data.ocr_comm_res.items for (let i = 0; i < tmp.length;i++) { let no = tmp[i].text if (no.substring(0,3) === 'LSG') { that.certificate = no } } } catch (err) { console.error('invokeService fail', err) wx.showModal({ title: 'fail', content: err, }) } }, fail: function(res) {}, complete: function(res) {}, }) }, clickVin() { let that = this // 选择图片 wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, success: async function(res) { try { let invokeRes = await wx.serviceMarket.invokeService({ service: 'wx79ac3de8be320b71', api: 'OcrAllInOne', data: { // 用 CDN 方法标记要上传并转换成 HTTP URL 的文件 img_url: new wx.serviceMarket.CDN({ type: 'filePath', filePath: res.tempFilePaths[0], }), data_type: 3, ocr_type: 8 }, }) console.log('invokeService success', invokeRes) for (let i = 0; i < invokeRes.data.ocr_comm_res.items.length;i++) { let no = invokeRes.data.ocr_comm_res.items[i].text if (no.substring(0,3) == 'LSG') { that.vin = no } } } catch (err) { console.error('invokeService fail', err) wx.showModal({ title: 'fail', content: err, }) } }, fail: function(res) {}, complete: function(res) {}, }) }, } } </script> <style> button { background-color: #007aff; color: #ffffff; } </style>