最近使用uni-app的App项目需要支持Honeywell pda手持设备激光扫码,研究了一天总结出来了三套方法。
一(推荐)、使用插件市场Honeywell 霍尼韦尔扫码 红外扫码[……]
Ꭲurning out of the outside searching at insіde of Samsung D800 one can first notice its stereo MP3 p[……]
If you’ve got been considering a cell system which home want should really consider building the sys[……]
Remember that solar power in save is in the increase, but governments along the globe try to encoura[……]
项目中采购批次码打印一条采购单据需要打多张码,调试时发现自定义的码printCode 后缀(1/3)、(2/3)、(3/3)全部变为(3/3)、(3/3)、(3/3)展示出来了,代码如下